Virabhadrasana II
Virabhadra = The name of a fierce warrior, an incarnation of Shiva, described as having a thousand heads, a thousand eyes, and a thousand feet, wielding a thousand clubs, and wearing a tiger’s skin
- Stand in Tadasana.
- Step our feet wide apart. Inhale and extend your arms out to the side.
- Turn your left foot in slightly; turn your right leg out directly to the side.
- Keeping our legs engaged, exhale and bend your right knee to 90 degrees.
- Hold for several breaths. To release, pull your legs toward each other to engage the muscles, inhale and come out of the pose. Repeat on the other side.
When right leg is forward and bent, raise right arm above head and slide your left hand down left leg. Repeat other side.
Benefits: Strengthens the arches, ankles, knees and thighs; Stretches the hips and shoulders; Broadens the chest; Increases lung capacity; Stimulates digestion and circulation; Enhances muscular endurance; Lengthens the spine
Contraindications: High blood pressure; Neck injury