BOW POSE Dhanurasana (don-your-AHS-anna) Dhanu = bow Bend back into the shape of a bow to feel energetically...
Archive for category: asana

COBRA POSE Bhujangasana (boo-jang-gahs-anna) Bhujanga=serpent, snake Steps Lie on your stomach. Bend your elbows and place your hands directly...

INTENSE STRETCH TO THE FRONT OF THE BODY Purvottanasana (POOR-vo-tan-AHS-anna) Purva = east, front of body ud = Prefix for...

Setu Bandhu
BRIDGE POSE Setu Bandha (SET-too BAHN-dah) Setu=dam, dike, or bridge Bandha=lock Sarva=all Anga=limb Steps Lie supine (on your back) on...

KNEES TO CHEST POSE Apanasana (ap-AN-AHS-anna) Apana means vital force moving outward. Apana is considered opposite to life force...

Prasarita Padottanasana
WIDE LEGGED STRADDLE POSE Prasarita Padottanasana (pra-sa-REE-tah pah-doh-tahn-AHS-anna) prasarita = stretched out, expanded, spread, with outstretched limbs pada = foot...

TRIANGLE POSE Trikonasana (trik-cone-AHS-anna) Trikona = Three angle or triangle Steps: Go to Utthita Hasta Padasana. Turn the right...

TABLE TOP POSE Goasana Go=Cow Asana=Posture Steps: On your hands and knees, place hands directly under the shoulders. Press...

HERO’S POSE (veer-AHS-anna) Virasana Vira = Man, Hero, Chief Steps: Kneel on the floor with your thighs perpendicular to the...

Jathara Parivartanasana
SPINAL TWIST Jathara Parivartanasana jathara-abdomen Parivartana=to completely revolve Asana= pose Steps: Lie on your back with your legs extended....