Everything in the universe can be described by their attributes which in Ayurveda are called “gunas”. In Ayurveda we use many gunas but there are 20 major ones (10 sets of opposites) that help describe the majority of matter...
Archive for category: Ayurveda

How to Recognize An Imbalance
Not quite feeling you? Maybe you are feeling a little “off”. Could be the beginning of an imbalance. What does it mean to be imbalanced?

Are You Kapha?
Learn the characteristics and qualities of a Kapha. Learn good tips on balancing Kaphas as well as key signs Kaphas are out of balance. Are you a Kapha?

Are You Pitta?
Learn the characteristics and qualities of a Pitta. Learn good tips on balancing Pitta as well as key signs Pitta are out of balance. Are you a Pitta?

Are You Vata?
Learn the characteristics and qualities of a Vata. Learn good tips on balancing Vatas as well as key signs Vatas are out of balance. Are you a Vata?

On the Hunt for Healthy and Blissful? Try Ayurveda
Our goal, whether we acknowledge it or not, is to be happy. It would be even more correct to say that we want to be full of bliss. I know most of us don’t get out of bed in the morning set out to live our blissful day, but why not?

The Science of Seven Life Concepts That Help Define Ayurveda
Ayurveda is a science that is known to be the world’s oldest system of health. It is an oral tradition that has been written down only in the last 5000 years. Get a brief introduction to the 7 life concepts...

Lessons From A 5,000 Year-Old Health-Care Practice
Ayurveda, contrary to what you might believe from its recent press and well-known adherents, is not the latest fad diet or celebrity trend. It’s actually the oldest continuously practiced health-care system in the world...

Need some clarity? Try the Neti-Pot
Nose clogged and breathing out of your mouth? Don't worry, the neti pot is here to save the day. Take a minute and read the benefits of the neti pot and the proper way to utilize the neti pot...