CHILD’S POSE Balasana (bah-Lahs-anna) Bala=baby Steps: Kneel on the floor. Touch your big toes together and sit back on...
Archive for tag: Yoga
18JanuaryOctober 10, 2019

STANDING FORWARD BEND POSE Uttanasana (OOT-tan-AHS-ahna) Ut = Intense Tan = To stretch or extend Steps: Stand in Tadasana,...
18JanuaryOctober 10, 2019

MOUNTAIN POSE Tadasana (tah-DAHS-anna) Tada=Mountain Mountain Pose in my opinion is the most balanced pose you can be...
13JanuaryOctober 10, 2019

STANDING FORWARD BEND POSE Uttanasana (OOT-tan-AHS-ahna) Ut = Intense Tan = To stretch or extend Steps: Stand in Tadasana, inhale...
12JanuaryOctober 10, 2019

January at the Balanced Yogi
Happy New Year to Everyone! Don’t wait, jump in right now and plan your next 365 amazing days! It’s...
10JanuaryJanuary 11, 2018

Vata Season-Stay Warm, Nourished and Nurtured
In Ayurveda when the weather has turned cold and the leaves have dried and are blowing from the trees, we say we...