Happy New Year to Everyone!
Don’t wait, jump in right now and plan your next 365 amazing days! It’s easy…go outside, gets some cardio, rejuvenate, eat fresh, walk your dog, hydrate, laugh, do one thing on your list, nurture, and sleep!
You can take my classes at Dhyana Yoga Center in Plano on Custer and Parker Road. I teach Hatha Yoga on Saturdays at 10:15am and Sundays at 10:00am as well as Tuesday nights at 6:30 Yin/Yang Yoga.
I also teach at Lifetime Fitness in Plano on Monday afternoons at 5:30pm (Therapeutic Yoga Basics), Tuesday mornings at 9:30am (Therapeutic Yoga Basics), Wednesday mornings at 9:15 (Therapeutic Yoga Basics), Thursday morning Yin Yoga at 9:30am and 6:00pm and Saturdays at 8:30 (Therapeutic Yoga Basics). On Friday mornings at 10:15am at Lifetime Fitness in Allen, I teach Yin Yoga.
Mondays and Wednesday mornings from 8:15-9:15am at Lifetime Fitness in Plano, I offer Yoga Team Training. A very small class that works just on the areas you are needing. This group has been together for a long time but always loves to welcome new participants. ($110/month)
I also teach private sessions throughout the week in Personal Training, Yoga, Yoga Therapy, Pilates as well as offer Ayurvedic Consultation upon request.
Other than the regular schedule……What do I have going on? I am so excited to again be teaching YOGA 101 BASIC TRAINING Intensive which begins on January 13th, Saturday at 12:30pm. This is an 8 week intensive spread out over 10 weeks (I am in training 2 of the weekends). We will review Yoga Etiquette, Body Awareness, Foundational Asana, Breathing Techniques, Meditation, Alignment, and some Yoga Philosophy! This Intensive will build on the previous weeks work allowing for you to practice what you are learning. Only 12 spots open so register soon at Lifetime Fitness Plano. Call me if you are not a member and I will register you. (Members $110, non-members $125).
CONTEMPLATION TO MEDITATION, January 14 from 1:00pm-2pm, Learn the first 5 steps to Meditation and then let’s take a step back and take a look at how we can transform the mind by cultivation wholesome qualities that remain dormant within us unless we make an effort to draw them out. The goal of meditation, specifically, is not to shut down the mind or anesthetize it, but to make it free, lucid, and balanced. (Register at Lifetime Plano, $30 members/$40 non-members)
YOGA NIDRA- Thursday, January 18th (7:30pm Lifetime Fitness-Plano) and Sunday, January 21 (4:30pm Dhyana Yoga Center). Yoga Nidra is an ancient sleep-based technique that takes the effort out of meditation. In Yoga Nidra, we are emptying the contents of the mind by progressively moving down through the brainwave states where there are naturally less and less thoughts. The value of learning this Yoga Nidra series of body, breath, and awareness techniques is that when you come back to the waking state, you are bringing with you the ability to notice thoughts, feelings, and struggles. You will notice the reactions moving through awareness rather than being so controlled by them. You will see that by stepping back from the contents of the mind, you can choose to engage a thought, an impulse, a craving, or a habit, but you also have space to make better choices where these thoughts are concerned. In this practice you will, like meditation, go to the subtlest states of being, but unlike meditation, by using an intention, you will be able to make subtle shifts to that consciousness. If your life isn’t where you want it to be, where you are living a joyful and fulfilling life, but instead are living in constant stress, pain and suffering. Yoga Nidra will help you to take charge of your life again. Science has proven that your ability to control stress and live a healthier life with a more positive attitude is within your reach after only 11 sessions of Yoga Nidra. You can register on the Dhyana website www.dhyanayogacenter.com or at Lifetime Fitness Plano.
Well that’s what’s up for January, I will be working on the schedule for February soon. If there is any particular training you would like, please let me know and I will try to add it.
Thank for reading and sharing and see you soon,